Thursday, August 20, 2009

Exceeding expectations!

That's what we did...we managed to get $3801 in donations! Word on the street is that there are still a few straggling donations coming we might flirt with the $4,000 mark. Either way, we did it, we exceeded our that I say...HECK YEAH!!!

Thank you to everyone for helping out! Without everyone working hard to donate we wouldn't have done it. My sincerest of thanks go out to everyone that made this possible! :-)

Now, on to the business at hand...preparing for a 100 mile bike ride. As I type this our little carbon fiber beast is getting fitted with new rubber. Apparently I rode so many training miles that she was in need...badly in need. My buddy Grant is hooking me up with some sweet tires over at The Bicycle Shop in State College. Once I pick her up, we'll give her a thorough cleaning, lube up the necessary parts, take her for an hour shake down ride tomorrow morning, and then tuck her away safely until Sunday morning...when together we will unleash the furry on 100 miles of Philadelphia's finest tarmac.

100 miles...4300 feet of climbing...a goal of under 6 hours...a daunting task for a weekend warrior like myself. Not to worry though...we've got some extra power coming along for the ride! We've got the spirits of those who have lost the battle with cancer, the hearts of those fighting right now, and the belief and will of those that have seen what cancer can do first hand. I'm one of those people. I've seen what cancer does to's not pretty. That's why we thought at a prayer at donation at a time...and that's why we'll fight on mile at a time! I will do my damnest to break the 6 hour mark...not because I win any checks...nothing like's about showing cancer how hard we can fight...and that we'll win this battle at a time! On Sunday morning I will wake up and say to cancer...BRING IT...because today we've got something for you!!

Thanks again to everyone that helped out!

For up to date progress on the ride...check out my twitter updates. don_page10 is my twitter handle. I might even throw a few updates out from the saddle. :-)


Tuesday, August 18, 2009


Well, we did it...we topped $3000! That's a huge accomplishment given the state of our economy. There are two days left for money to roll in. I have heard of a few checks that are on the way...we'll see where we end up. All in all, I'm happy...that $3001 represents a lot for the folks affected by cancer. Thanks to all who have helped out!! :-)

As for my training...I'm all but done. I have two one hour easy spins for this week to prepare for the big day on Sunday. I will likely do those rides on Wednesday and Friday...then rest, fuel, and final prep on the bike.

I'm hoping me and my fifteen pound carbon fiber friend can break the six hour barrier. That's a tall order. We'll see how it goes. :-)


Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Step it up kid.

So, I was sitting here checking out the blog the other day and realized it's been lacking a bit lately. I thought, it's time to step it up a bit, especially since there's only two weeks until the LIVESTRONG Challenge ride in Philly. Actually, there's only 12 days until the ride!

100 miles...4300 feet of climbing...all in honor and memory of those affected by cancer.

We've raised $2676 to date...with some promises still outstanding...I'm hopeful we can reach $3000 in the last 12 days. When this all started I set a fundraising goal of $10k...a pretty lofty goal. I'm an optimistic guy...hence the high number. Once I got going on this and realized how hard it is to solicit money from people, I backed my goal down to a realistic number, $3750. We will likely not hit that number, but it's ok...because before I decided to do this there was no money awareness being LIVESTRONG message living at the forefront of my thinking about how I could share this message with trying to live a healthier purpose beyond myself and my daily life realization that cancer will become the leading cause of death very soon...none of it...none of it existed. So we could look at the $2676 and say, man, that's pretty sad considering the original goal...or we could look at that number and what it truly represents. It represents much more than dollar represents people that have been inspired by the LIVESTRONG message...that will in turn spread that represents help for those affected by for research to help find a cure...or at least slow it down until that can be achieved...technological support in the way of websites and people only a phone call away for those afraid to venture out of their houses...and communities to come to together to share their experiences and offer support to those that are being affected. It represents a lot.

So, when this is done and the final number is posted...let's remember what that number represents...and keep the LIVESTRONG message going strong into the future. We can win this war...we WILL win this's only a matter of time. :-)

Thank you for your support!


Friday, August 7, 2009

Good day!

55 miles logged...

$375 donated...

That's a good day if you ask me!

Current total...$2576!!

Still over two weeks left...and promises of more donations...let's hope everyone follows through...if so...we might top $3000!

Good stuff! :-)


Thursday, August 6, 2009

Monday, August 3, 2009

Back from vacation....with lots to do.

Got back from vacation on Saturday...ever feel like you need a vacation from your vacation? ;-) That's how I was feeling yesterday. I had a lot of stuff to get in order...and the entire time I was getting stuff in order I kept thinking...only three weeks until the LIVESTRONG ride...where did the time go?!?!

I did manage to get out on another short easy ride on Friday...and another yesterday in the midst of unpacking. My legs feel tired! It is clear that I have been working them too hard with not enough rest lately. So, no riding until Wednesday, when I'll do another short easy ride. Hopefully that will set me up well for the distance ride Brian and I plan on doing Friday...fingers crossed.

I have just enough time and energy left to make the push to top $2500 for $2201 right now...we can get there...I know we can!!
