Thursday, April 30, 2009

The wheels on my bike go...

Round and round...round and round...

Logged another 20 miles today...once again with the easy effort/pace. I've been saving myself for tomorrow's ride...a destination ride! Tomorrow I will once again try to ride down to Lock Haven to meet up with my wife and some of her colleagues for lunch to celebrate her first full year as a professor at Lock Haven University. I am pumped as the ride should total close to 50 miles...and if not...I'll ride around Lock Haven until it does. ;-) I'm also pumped because a colleague of Jeanine's (Josh) will be riding to meet me half way so we can ride the last 20 to 25 miles together. He's a category 4 rider with LOTS of experience, so it should be fun.

The legs feel incredible!! They were begging to be opened up today, but I had to resist knowing I've got a distance ride tomorrow that will most likely be at a pretty fast clip. I'll be racing the clock the entire way down to Lock Haven...seeing how hard I can push while doing that kind of distance. I will try to save a little as I have two short speed rides planned this weekend. My goal is 150 miles for my five day stretch. It might be a hard earned 150 miles, because it's supposed to rain tomorrow. :-( No worries though, I'm going no matter what this time.

I'll report on the ride tomorrow evening.

On a side note, I collected $100 in donations from my old place of employment this morning. Great people with big hearts that are supporting me 100%!! That's got me feeling pretty good today. :-)


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Awesome! That definitely says something about you.