Monday, May 11, 2009

Yesterday's ride blew...

Literally! It was majorly windy...not good conditions for what was supposed to be an easy spin. Never-the-less, I stayed out and amassed a hard earned 20 miles. My legs are now sore...more sore than I'd like them to be considering the hammer-fest that's coming up this week...but hey...if it don't ain't' doing it hard enough...right?!?!

So, on a more serious note...during my ride yesterday I managed to catch a spot on the road that was shielded by the wind, that had amazing scenery, and lasted for about a minute...and during that time I had a moment of true appreciation. A moment when I thought about how lucky I am to have all that I have...beautiful family and security...and a love for two wheels spinning on the road with nothing but the power I provide. Don't get me wrong...I've had my struggles, tragedies, bad times, etc...but I tend to be a forward moving person that doesn't get bogged down by things for very long.

Today I was thankful...thankful for everything life has to offer...thankful that I'm in a position where I can help raise money for cancer research...thankful that I raised $1500 so far (I often get frustrated that it's not more)...thankful that I got to honor my wife...the mother of our two beautiful children...thankful that she gave time for my bike ride on her day (Mother's Day)...thankful that my kids are curious and I can help them experience all that life has to offer...and thankful that I think of others and say and do things to wish them well.

This seems appropriate today...

"Try not to become a man of success, but a man of value." -Albert Einstein


1 comment:

Ron and Kelly said...

Best post so far Don. You are a great man.