Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Step it up kid.

So, I was sitting here checking out the blog the other day and realized it's been lacking a bit lately. I thought, it's time to step it up a bit, especially since there's only two weeks until the LIVESTRONG Challenge ride in Philly. Actually, there's only 12 days until the ride!

100 miles...4300 feet of climbing...all in honor and memory of those affected by cancer.

We've raised $2676 to date...with some promises still outstanding...I'm hopeful we can reach $3000 in the last 12 days. When this all started I set a fundraising goal of $10k...a pretty lofty goal. I'm an optimistic guy...hence the high number. Once I got going on this and realized how hard it is to solicit money from people, I backed my goal down to a realistic number, $3750. We will likely not hit that number, but it's ok...because before I decided to do this there was no number...no money raised...no awareness being spread...no LIVESTRONG message living at the forefront of my mind...no thinking about how I could share this message with others...no trying to live a healthier life...no purpose beyond myself and my daily life activities...no realization that cancer will become the leading cause of death very soon...none of it...none of it existed. So we could look at the $2676 and say, man, that's pretty sad considering the original goal...or we could look at that number and what it truly represents. It represents much more than dollar signs...it represents people that have been inspired by the LIVESTRONG message...that will in turn spread that message...it represents help for those affected by cancer...money for research to help find a cure...or at least slow it down until that can be achieved...technological support in the way of websites and people only a phone call away for those afraid to venture out of their houses...and communities to come to together to share their experiences and offer support to those that are being affected. It represents a lot.

So, when this is done and the final number is posted...let's remember what that number represents...and keep the LIVESTRONG message going strong into the future. We can win this war...we WILL win this war...it's only a matter of time. :-)

Thank you for your support!



Ron and Kelly said...

Great post Don!

Kelly said...

Don Man,

Ron just sent me the link to your awesome blog. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for training and riding for this worthy cause. You are going to rock it out there.

I will be on a "business" trip (nannying in Alaska) during your ride, but I will be sending you the positive vibes during all 100 miles. Take it one pedal at a time. You will feel boosts when you need them since so many cancer fighters and survivors will be pushing you onward. I ran my most recent marathon for the cancer fight and patted my race bib/number when I needed a boost. I had the names of cancer patients on the back of my bib, and their bravery and their families' strength propelled me.

You're going to have a physical and an emotional blast out there. We love you for it, and we can't wait to hear about the big event.

Hugs to you, Janine, Alex, Mia, and Casey.


Don Page said...

You guys are awesome!


Thanks for the great idea of putting the names on the back of my bib!! I have been trying to think of a way to have the names with me on the ride...YOU ROCK!!!

Kelly said...


You rock our socks. Sorry I misspelled Jeanine's name. All this time I've been spelling it the way my cousin does. Oops!

Enjoy your rides this week. I did a track workout this morning. (Definitely NOT my favorite.) I'd rather run three hours of long, steady distance than do a few track intervals. So...I dedicated 4X8s on the track to you today! You're an inspiration.


Don Page said...

Track intervals for me...SWEET! Thanks!!

Hey, watch out for the bear's up in Alaska...especially those cinnamon bear's that resemble Ron. LOL ;-)