Monday, August 3, 2009

Back from vacation....with lots to do.

Got back from vacation on Saturday...ever feel like you need a vacation from your vacation? ;-) That's how I was feeling yesterday. I had a lot of stuff to get in order...and the entire time I was getting stuff in order I kept thinking...only three weeks until the LIVESTRONG ride...where did the time go?!?!

I did manage to get out on another short easy ride on Friday...and another yesterday in the midst of unpacking. My legs feel tired! It is clear that I have been working them too hard with not enough rest lately. So, no riding until Wednesday, when I'll do another short easy ride. Hopefully that will set me up well for the distance ride Brian and I plan on doing Friday...fingers crossed.

I have just enough time and energy left to make the push to top $2500 for $2201 right now...we can get there...I know we can!!


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