Thursday, April 2, 2009

Lucky Dog!

That would be me as I had some cancellations in my schedule today which allowed for a 62 degree and sunny 32 mile ride before work! It's nice to be greeted with surprises like that from time to time. My plan was to ride Wednesday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. As I talked about, Wednesday was cold and rainy, and guess what, Friday is to be the I really lucked out today. Today's ride will replace tomorrow, so I will be able to avoid the nasty conditions. YEAH BUDDY!!

The ride today did not start off well. The legs felt like crap...I couldn't believe it after how they felt yesterday. Not to worry though, I didn't stress about it, put forth the effort they would allow, and just didn't get caught up in the frustration that could have been present....and what do you know, they came alive about 10 miles into the ride. It was great!! I was very thankful as the ride was just awesome...rural back roads...virtually no cars...and great scenery. I really was a "lucky dog" today! :-)

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