Saturday, May 2, 2009


The weather cooperated and I managed to get out for a quick 28 mile ride today. After yesterdays ride in the rain, I was really hoping it would hold off today, and it did. The legs were sore but still had plenty of life left in them so I pushed the pace and did some good hill climbs. I'll likely do the same ride tomorrow...which will put me at 150 miles for my five day stretch. A good accomplishment, but still not where I want to be for that many days of riding. I constantly have to remind myself that I'm making progress and that results take time...because I often want to see major results fast...and that just doesn't happen. I'm on track to be where I want to be, just need to practice a little patience.

Tomorrow morning there is a collegiate road bike race in State College that Alex and I are going to check out. He loves just about any kind of racing, and as a curious three and a half year old I like to help him experience every avenue of sport/racing there is so he can make a decision what he likes when he gets older. Then it's game on! I can't wait until he becomes passionate about a sport, be it traditional, auto, or other...I'll be behind him 100%!

I'll try to take some pictures to post tomorrow.

Until then...Peace!

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