Friday, May 22, 2009


I'm glad it's Friday for a number of reasons...first...I'm now off of work for 10 days. Second, I had a ride planned today. Once again time was not in abundance so I only managed to get out for a 30 miler. I decided to make it a good 30 miles by getting the heart rate up to about 80% effort and keeping it there the entire ride. Legs felt incredibly strong and could have kept going for much longer...but I had to shut it down so we could take the kids to the first carnival of the stuff I tell stuff. :-)

I'll take tomorrow off and then be back out for another road ride on Sunday. I'll use the day off to prep the mountain bike for the trip to Maryland. Got the inside scoop on what areas to hit up. Sounds like there is a variety of terrain at my disposal...and multiple hours...needless to say I'm pretty pumped!


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