Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Down with the sickness.

Great song lyrics...but also an accurate description of me right now. Somethings got me feeling not quite right. I could feel it coming on Sunday afternoon.

I managed to get out in the amazing warm sunny weather we had on Friday and Saturday, totaling about 42 miles on the new road bike. The legs were sore on Sunday, but that didn't stop me from clicking off another 23 miles in wet chilly conditions on the "bad weather bike". :)

Whatever this sickness is (not quite a cold), it won't stop me from pushing on with my plan. Yesterday and today are rest days, then I'll be back at it tomorrow. My hope is to get about a 30 mile road ride in tomorrow, hit up the trainer Thursday night, then another 30 to 35 mile road ride on Friday before Jay comes to town. I'll then be off Saturday for a St. Patrick's Day party...then back on Sunday to pound some hill climbs...YEAH BUDDDY!!!

Take care all.

1 comment:

Kelly said...


You are rocking it buddy! Dave and I went for a quick 4 mile loop yesterday after work before dark. I should of brought my night light – some storm clouds rolled in and shortened our ride. The light was so flat we had a hard time reading the terrain – but that made it fun. Funny thing is we ran into a unleashed pitbull probably about 10 -12 months in age. Cute but I'm still weary of those dogs – owner was on his cell too.

Hope you feel better.

– Ron