Thursday, March 12, 2009

Mother Nature.

Ever watch a bird try to fly into the wind? That was me on my bike yesterday as Mother Nature threw out some 30 to 40mph winds during my ride. At one point I got blown right off the worries though...I just dirt tracked it for a while until I could get back up on the tarmac. That sweet old lady can try to slow me down...but she won't stop me...I'm on a mission...and ya better just my rhymes cause I'm all about...OK...sorry about that...felt the need to break into a little LL Cool J.

Good news, the sickness is beginning to subside...I think it began to retreat during my ride yesterday...I would too...because I was bringing the fight to it pretty hard.

I will be sending out some fundraising letters today...that has me pretty pumped! I'm ready to start spreading the good word about this Challenge so we can make some progress in the financial department. We are well on our way to living a more healthy life and spreading the LIVESTRONG spirit, now it's time to put our money where our mouth is. :)

I think it's time for another quote:

If you can imagine it, you can achieve it; if you can dream it, you can become it.

~William Arthur Ward

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