Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Wacky Wednesday!

At least, that's how it felt today. It was one of those days where I felt like I was operating in "fast forward"...ever have that feeling? It might, I say might, have had something to do with the GIGANTIC mocha latte I started the day with at Dunkin Donuts. I love going there with Jeanine and the kids, there's just something about coffee, an awesome wife, and two beautiful kids that makes the day right. Don't get me wrong, soon after my feeling of love and appreciation...the sugar high kicked in with the kids, and, well, you probably know the rest of the story.

Today is a short's time for the kids bath and then bed...then a trainer ride while Jeanine runs on the treadmill. It's a pretty cool setup...side by side in the basement.

Only two more days until my mack daddy purchase comes "secret weapon" for the LIVESTRONG Challenge. Details to follow...

Peace out!


Ron and Kelly said...

I'm liking the blog! Short and sweet. But seriously DD and not Pump Station! Come on! Latte? Drink it black buddy!

Don Page said...

I'm all about keeping things simple (i.e. short and sweet). We do Dunkin as a worries Ron...I had the coffee maker pumpin out the Pump Station this morning to make up for yesterday. Yeah, I have a bit of a sweet tooth...I can do it black, but much rather have it with a bit of cream and sugar. ;-)